
Transport is a sector of vital importance to Europe. It comprises one of the EU’s most significant fields of action and has a major impact on social and environmental wellbeing in both cities and rural areas. A large number of the Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN) Section's opinions each year relate to transport.

Progress in the transport sector clearly involves building better and greener infrastructure, which will boost economic growth and enhance trade. But it also means cutting CO2 emissions and energy consumption, and tackling congestion and lack of access which can isolate individuals – especially elderly or disabled people – in their homes. The transport sector should also stay smart and competitive as part of a socially fair transition towards clean energy and digitalisation. The EESC examines and assesses EU transport policies from the point of view of the needs and interests of all segments and concerns of European civil society.

Involving civil society actors

It is recognised that achieving the EU's ambitions in the field of transport requires stronger and more inclusive involvement of civil society in both policy making and policy implementation. The TEN Section has set up a thematic study group to promote a high level of civil society participation and involvement on transport related decision-making processes.